23 May 2022

Forest Service Fire crews will continue to take advantage of favorable spring weather conditions for more prescribed burning in the Bluff Mesa area southwest of Big Bear Lake, potentially beginning on Thursday, May 21 and continuing through Friday, May 22, 2022. 

The work helps create safe spaces for firefighters to be placed between communities and natural areas should a wildfire occur. This week will be a continuation of a broadcast burn for up to 150 acres located east of Forest Service Road 2N10 and 2N96, on the north side of Bluff Lake and marsh.

Prescribed burning operations

Burning will occur only when weather and air quality conditions permit. There will be no closures of nearby trails, roads or yellow post campsites.

Since last Thursday, fire crews have accomplished over 200 acres of fuels reduction in the Bluff Mesa area, making great progress in forest health and community protection. Approximately 1,450 acres have been treated by prescribed fire across the Forest over the past year.

For daily updates on prescribed burning operations, check the Forest's Alerts and Notices web page or Forest's Twitter account (accounts are not required for viewing tweets).