6 Apr 2020

Big Bear Fire Department personnel are wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) during 911 medical calls for service, as a part of their updated safety procedures, due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Out of an abundance of safety, Big Bear Fire Department staff members are wearing PPE that includes, masks, eye protection, gowns, and gloves, during many patient contacts. They feel it was important to let the public know, that although their appearance might not be typically what they’ve seen in the past, their personnel continue to serve all in the time of need. Their new procedures might also include their personnel placing a mask on the patient, when necessary, to reduce transmission potential.

As the world deals with this global pandemic together, the Big Bear Fire Department is working tirelessly to keep their members informed, that they have the proper equipment, and that they continue to update their policies and procedures. All these measures are being done to achieve their top priority, which is the safety of their department personnel and the citizens that they serve.