3 Feb 2020

West Yorkshire Fire was first called to a fire at 1317 today, on the ground floor of the Speedibake building on Chald Lane in Wakefield. By 1550, 75% of the ground floor had become consumed by the fire.

About 140 firefighters were at the scene from across the country and it is clear the fire service was stretched for available water using a nearby park lake to secure additional supplies for their efforts. There were no reported injuries.

Fire Service Statement

In a statement released at 1800, the fire service said, “The building construction may contain asbestos but at this moment in time it is unconfirmed as to whether it is present in the smoke plume.

As a precautionary measure, we are advising people living in the vicinity to remain indoors and keep windows and doors closed.

Safety Actions

A number of roads around the area were closed and nearby residents have led away from the fire.

The drone coverage of the site does not show any evidence of sprinkler systems and nor do any of the reports.