24 Dec 2021

BAFSA’s advice service has recently seen a number of enquiries regarding installation certificates for residential sprinkler systems.

BS 9251: 2021 and its previous 2014 iteration talks about ‘compliance certificates’ as a requirement for new sprinkler systems and includes a note saying these should not be confused with ‘certificates of conformity’.

Relevant approving body

This is because only contractors who are third-party certificated can issue these as the CoC’s are issued under the authority of the relevant UKAS-accredited certification body – LPCB, FIRAS and IFCC. Any doubts about the authenticity of such a certificate should be directed to the relevant approving body.

There is no ‘standard’ format for a certificate of conformity. It should also be noted that certificates are issued for ‘systems’ and would not normally be issued for parts of a system such as each flat in a block of flats.