15 Feb 2024

BAFSA kicked of its 50th anniversary celebrations at the House of Lords last week with a special lunch in the Attlee Room to mark the occasion.

The association which was founded in 1974, invited 50 key stakeholders from across the fire safety sector and honored guests including, Lord David Goddard, Sir Ken Knight, Bob Blackman MP and Ann Jones OBE.

BAFSA’s 50th anniversary celebrations

The lunch saw the ‘premiere’ of a short 50th anniversary video, narrated by broadcaster, Nick Ross CBE

The lunch saw the ‘premiere’ of a short 50th anniversary video, narrated by broadcaster and fire safety campaigner, Nick Ross CBE, that celebrates BAFSA’s achievements and the gains made in sprinkler legislation over the last half century.

BAFSA’s Chief Executive, Ali Perry said in his welcome speech: “Nothing BAFSA has achieved in the past 50 years has been done in isolation. It has been delivered through real partnership because of the passion, drive and determination of the people in this room.

First John McCann award presented

The occasion also saw the presentation of the first John McCann award for a significant contribution to the sprinkler industry, which went to Dr. Simon Bird. The award is sponsored by Vipond Fire Protection, in memory of its former Managing Director (MD) - John McCann, who passed away in 2022.

Ali Perry added: “At the time of his passing John was the Chair of BAFSA, a leading advocate for all things sprinklers and was instrumental in driving the wider adoption of fire sprinklers and change within our industry. It is fitting in memory of John that we can make the first presentation of this award here at the House of Lords for BAFSA’s 50th.

Dr. Simon Bird honored with John McCann award

Dr. Simon Bird commented: “I am very grateful to BAFSA for this award, which was an unexpected honor. Having had the privilege of knowing John and working with him over the years, made it all the more special. I wish the industry continued success.

The award will be presented annually from 2025 at BAFSA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) each November.