23 Jun 2020

BAFE shared the announcement made by Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Most notably, the one meter plus rule (in England) will help in the continuation of the fire safety industry gaining access to buildings to perform essential fire safety work and maintenance as required by legislation.

We await further guidance to be released by Government in the near future which will assist the industry to determinedly continue with extreme care and diligence.

Fire safety provisions

Stephen Adams, Chief Executive – BAFE comments “From the 4th July, multiple venues that have been closed for a considerable amount of time will reopen. This indicates a large number of buildings that will need to, by law, ensure that their fire safety provisions and systems are appropriate after making changes to accommodate for coronavirus safety measures. Please be safe, review your fire risk assessment and use competent providers to help meet these obligations.”

Fire and Rescue Services continue to uphold fire safety legislation and have measures in place to check commercial buildings. Remember all safety measures are in place for life safety, this includes coronavirus, fire and other safety requirements – don’t simply focus on the virus. The last thing anyone wants is for any business to re-open and be struck by fire.”

BAFE continue to recommend to the fire safety industry that they work with premises managers to help them meet their fire safety obligations.