15 Apr 2020

BAFE, British Approvals for Fire Equipment has announced that it welcomes the statement from the UK Home Office, regarding the Key Worker status for all fire industry employees, providing essential services, as published by the FIA, Fire Industry Association. The BAFE statement added that the organization was grateful for the FIA initiative to clarify this.

Key Worker Status directly to FIA

The Minister of State for Security, the Rt. Hon James Brokenshire, MP in the UK Parliament, has written to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the FIA, detailing his support for the fire safety industry through the challenges and uncertainties created by the COVID-19 pandemic and repeats his message that “The British Government is grateful for the fire safety sector’s continuing efforts at this challenging time.

The UK Minister of State’s letter contains important information (and can be printed off and used as necessary) for those providing vital and essential support services and equipment to the fire and security industry, and those helping to relieve pressure on the emergency services, the basis of which is to provide essential safety to people as they go about their daily lives.

FIA joint statement

Ian Moore, Chief Executive Officer of the Fire Industry Association (FIA) and Derek Gotts, Chair of the FIA said in a joint statement that they would like to thank colleagues at the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) and the UK Home Office for their support in getting this important and clear message across from the Minister of State for Security in the British establishment.