2 Oct 2020

Update from Director of Schemes for BAFE, Chris Auger, for all organizations preparing for their BAFE Third Party Certification assessment and temporary certification changes.

In June BAFE published a statement clarifying its position regarding remote assessments and how should prepare for Certification Audit.

Issue of certificates

At that time BAFE took the view that registered companies whose initial audit was due would be allowed an initial concession that would allow the Certification Body to issue temporary certification for three months. This three-month concession period has now expired, and some companies will now be faced with their certification expiring.

The latest situation meant that BAFE has had to review its position on the issue of certificates

Throughout July and August, the country saw a considerable improvement in the number of cases of Coronavirus and infection rates were reducing nationwide. However, during September with more people returning to work and socializing more, confirmed infection rates have now increased and lockdowns have been imposed in many towns and cities around the country. This situation has meant that some companies have closed or restricted who enters their premises. This latest situation has meant that BAFE has had to review its position on the issue of certificates for remote audits.

Unprecedented steps

The current situation with the global pandemic is unprecedented in recent times and therefore have had to take unprecedented steps to ensure the following:

  • The health, safety, and well-being of staff, customers, and all personnel connected with the certification process.
  • Businesses are not disadvantaged when tendering for work.
  • Businesses are not threatened with permanent closure due to a drop in revenue.
  • BAFE-registered companies can continue trading through this difficult time.

discretion/current operating procedures

With this in mind, have decided with immediate effect and where necessary backdated to the original concession expiry date, BAFE will permit further extensions to certification dates until 31 December 2020 (31/12/2020). This decision has not been taken lightly but BAFE does feel that it is necessary to allow companies to continue trading.

As with the statement dated 12 June 2020, will expect further evidence of competency records and procedures and assurances that the on-site/witness audit can be completed at the earliest opportunity once restrictions have been lifted (and it is safe to do so while observing safe distancing). Certification Body however may have their own requirements and may choose not to complete remote assessments. This is fully down to their discretion/current operating procedures and recommend contacting them to discuss further.