4 Feb 2021

At the beginning of the current lockdown period, BAFE published news that new national lockdown restrictions categorically did not restrict fire safety work. Fire safety personnel continue to remain “key workers” and continuing this work is outlined as acceptable in national lockdown guidance by Government.

"You may only leave your home for work if you cannot reasonably work from home, to help reduce the spread of the virus and protect others. If you cannot work from home you should continue to travel to your workplace.”  However, BAFE must stress that where possible and following Government guidance, any office-based staff of Registered Companies should work from home to aid in the reduction of transmission of COVID-19.

No excuse for disregarding fire safety responsibilities

Fire safety legislation remains unchanged because of the pandemic and should be followed as normal

Fire safety legislation justifiably remains unchanged because of the pandemic and should be followed as normal in the interest of life safety.

BAFE has previously reported this fact and Fire and Rescue Services nationwide have been warning that dealing with coronavirus safety measures does not give any premises management an excuse for discounting fire safety at this time.

Fire Safety Legislation

“Coronavirus is not an excuse for disregarding your [fire safety] responsibilities and businesses must ensure that they have an adequate amount of competent people to help in the implementation of both preventative and protective fire safety measures.” - Station Manager Bill Shepherd, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service Protection Department

Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service have also previously said “fire safety legislation is still being enforced [and] we have measures in place to enforce this… The responsible person still has responsibilities under the fire safety order and any [coronavirus safety] changes need to be included within your fire risk assessment looking to see if any additional measures may need to be put into place to ensure fire safety is met.”

Fire Safety Government Guidance

Third-Party Certified providers used to determine evidence of their competency to deliver specific fire safety services

These warnings will be echoed by all Fire and Rescue Services across the United Kingdom. BAFE add that following fire safety Government guidance, Third Party Certified providers should be used to determine evidence of their competency to deliver specific fire safety services.

Upholding fire safety responsibilities regardless of how many people currently are using the building is vital.

Establishing access for fire safety work

Premises management should not be restricting access to the site where possible to ensure responsibilities continue to be fulfilled by appropriate and competent fire safety service providers.

It is important to emphasize that fire safety is a life safety exercise that cannot be ignored or pushed back too far to suit a more convenient time. This decision could endanger any people currently using the building or when they return from this current lockdown.

Regular Maintenance

BAFE continues to stress to all Registered Companies that an ongoing dialogue with clients remains crucial, especially when routine maintenance is due.

All fire safety systems and provisions must be maintained regularly to confirm they will react and work accordingly in the event of an emergency.

COVID-19 Risk Assessment

BAFE Registered Companies have responded to Government guidance to minimize any risk of transmission

BAFE Registered Companies have responded extremely well to Government guidance to minimize any risk of coronavirus transmission whilst working on site.

This has been demonstrated throughout 2020 and trusts this will be maintained at a high standard throughout the year also. If the client has any hesitations it is strongly recommended to have an on-site COVID-19 risk assessment safety document prepared to diminish any concerns.

Fire Safety Obligations

Previous guidance focused on BAFE Registered Companies (and the fire safety industry as a whole) issued in 2020 by Chris Auger, Director of Schemes – BAFE, specified, “If a client is not permitting access on-site due to coronavirus precautions, please make sure you explain that this is their decision to not allow you to complete this work.”

“It is the role of the premises management (i.e. Responsible Person/Duty Holder) to ensure they fulfill their fire safety obligations.

Act Responsibly

“Advise them of any risk and if they still do not grant you access on-site, document this communication. This will provide evidence you have acted responsibly with your clients.” 

If you are allowed access on-site, please stay safe and follow appropriate coronavirus guidance to ensure you are not unnecessarily increasing risk to anyone on the premises or yourselves.”

UKAS Accredited Third-Party Certification 

BAFE is aware of the challenges both Registered Companies and Certification Bodies have faced during the pandemic

BAFE is fully aware of the challenges both Registered Companies and Certification Bodies have faced throughout the pandemic. Issued information from BAFE has allowed the industry to review and use this to continue their essential work.

Remote assessments are being performed where appropriate, however, it is important to contact chosen Certification Body for further information. The decision to perform remote assessments is to their discretion and current operating procedures.

Remote Assessments

Due to the ongoing restrictions, BAFE is faced with and will be contacting all BAFE Licensed Certification Bodies for feedback on remote assessments and their current position on this.

BAFE would like to be able to support Certification Bodies in accommodating remote assessments to ensure appropriate checks are being made on existing and prospective Registered Companies.

Evidence Of Competency

BAFE to deliver a quality Register of independently assessed Third Party Certificated fire safety service

It remains critical that competency is reviewed regularly for BAFE to deliver a quality Register of independently assessed Third Party Certificated fire safety service, providers.

This ongoing evidence of competency needs to be regularly checked to uphold our responsibility within the industry. As the pandemic goes on, BAFE strives to develop agreed criteria with Certification Bodies to achieve this.

Staff Safety

BAFE has been operational throughout the pandemic and continues to remain open.

Staff safety is key however and, following Government guidance, has been working from home to limit any spread of the virus. BAFE will continue to support where possible and respond promptly.