28 Jun 2021

Bryland announced their completion of a 2-year multi-million-pound project designing and installing fire protection systems for a new 10MW data center.

In news from Bryland, Graham Turner, Managing Director - Bryland Fire Protection, explained “As this client specializes in providing telecommunications, protecting ‘uptime’ which is the number of time servers stay operational, was critical."

gaseous suppression system

"Water sprinklers may be one of the most economical solutions, but not appropriate for these sensitive data cabinets, and server rooms. We had to design a solution that would not only provide early warnings, sample air purity, and prevent contamination to the data hall air supply, but also consider how we could minimize any post-event downtime and damage."

"Continuity of supply to this client’s customers is both critical and crucial.” In this instance, a gaseous suppression system was installed to protect against higher hazard fires to cover data cabinets, switchgear, and communications equipment.

suppress/extinguish and minimize damage

Data centers should be protected as best as possible from any fire risk or spread Stephen Adams, Chief Executive - BAFE, commented “This is a clear example of when an appropriately Third Party Certificated company should be used. As we move more and more to a fully digital and paperless way of working, data centers have become a key part of the world’s infrastructure and should be protected as best as possible from any fire risk or spread, utilizing the skills of organizations with quality evidence of competency to suppress/extinguish and minimize damage comprehensive systems."

"Gaseous suppression systems are an extremely viable option to suppress/extinguish and minimize damage in this type of environment. We offer our congratulations to Bryland on the completion of their substantial project.”

BAFE Scheme SP203-3

The BAFE Scheme SP203-3 covers the Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Maintenance of Fixed Gaseous Fire Extinguishing Systems. This is a highly specialized service in which BAFE has 48 registered, Third Party Certificated organizations that feature on the BAFE Fire Safety Register.

The modules of this Scheme observe best practices, working to British Standards BS EN 15004-1 and BS 5306-4. These standards are for fixed firefighting systems (gas extinguishing systems – design, installation, and maintenance) and fire extinguishing installations and equipment on premises (carbon dioxide systems).