6 Dec 2021
An update to all BAFE registered organizations and the wider fire safety industry. Recent weeks have seen a new Omicron variant of COVID-19 emerge and begin to spread across the UK. With this, the Government has re-introduced measures to mitigate this risk such as mask-wearing in shops and on all public transport.
BAFE is confident by now that the fire safety industry fully understands its position as a life safety, and therefore necessary, provision of service required to continue (where safe to do so). However, BAFE would like to note that understandably technicians, engineers, and other roles will be working on other people’s premises and therefore, COVID risk assessments should be reviewed to represent the latest guidance. This is to keep both yourselves and anyone on the client’s premises as safe as possible.

BAFE recommendations

In July, BAFE commented on the reduction of COVID-19 safety restrictions across the UK. Would like to reiterate two of the recommendations made at the time:

  • Continue to exercise a risk-based approach prior to visiting a site to perform work. What is the current policy of the client? What requirements are they expecting to follow when on-site? Do they require evidence of negative rapid lateral flow tests of technicians/engineers? What would like them to do to help reduce any risk of possible transmission to employees?
  • Continue to wear a mask, especially when indoors in areas with limited ventilation and/or high capacity of people within the space available. The World Health Organization (WHO) continues to recommend mask-wearing 'as part of a comprehensive strategy of measures to suppress transmission and save lives'.

The Government notes “To help reduce the spread of COVID-19, published guidance will advise that wearing a face covering will reduce your risk and the risk to others, where you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet in enclosed and crowded spaces.

BAFE believe that registered organizations will continue to deliver safe COVID working practice in the interest of everyone’s safety.