12 Jan 2021

For anyone who is not aware and is responsible for fire extinguishers within their building, there has been a change for class D Powder extinguishers (which are used for metal fires).

This change has been introduced with BS 5306-10:2019, published 31/10/2020, and supersedes BS 7863:2009 (which is withdrawn).

clearer differentiation

Guidance published in December 2020 by FIA (Fire Industry Association), states, “The major change is the color-code for class D Powder extinguishers (for metal fires) is changing from Blue to Signal Violet. This change reflects the characteristics of class D powders which are often very different to other powders and a clearer differentiation was felt to be necessary for the safety of the operator.”

FIA notes that “The Blue color code for BC and ABC Powder remains unchanged” and “the colors used for all other media are unchanged also.”