9 May 2022

Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event hosted by the Mental Health Foundation which presents an opportunity for the whole of the UK to focus on achieving good mental health. This year’s theme is tackling loneliness and understanding the links between loneliness and poor mental health. The aim of the week is to highlight the importance of having open conversations in communities and workplaces to build meaningful connections with friends, family, and colleagues.

Society is changing fast when it comes to the attitude towards mental health, and the pandemic has given rise to workplaces introducing both home and hybrid working so it is more important than ever that they continue to build and maintain connections with colleagues to tackle feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Mental Health First Aid Training

At the Fire Protection Association (FPA), we prioritize the health and safety of staff and are proactive in continuous mental health and well-being support. Several staff members have undertaken Mental Health First Aid Training in order to support colleagues presenting with mental health conditions and help create a positive mental health culture in the workplace.   

In support of this year’s campaign,the company has been working with some of the FPA’s Mental Health Champions to share some top tips on tackling loneliness and barriers to connection in the workplace.