26 Mar 2020

These are unprecedented times. At Chubb, protecting the health, safety and well-being of the Company’s employees and serving the Company’s customers is top priority. As Chubb navigate the evolving circumstances surrounding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the Company are taking actions aligned with the latest information and global guidance to protect the Company’s employees, serve the Company’s customers and minimize the spread of the virus while continuing to provide essential products and services.

Chubb have taken important precautionary measures spanning all areas of the Company’s business, both in the Company’s offices and the Company’s field operations, to protect the safety, health and well-being of the Company’s employees and to continue to serve the Company’s customers.

Health and safety measures

Chubb have implemented enhanced deep cleaning procedures across all facilities, modified processes to enable social distancing, and modified schedules to minimize employee gatherings, including remote working arrangements for those whose jobs allow. Chubb have also provided comprehensive health and safety information to employees at all of the Company’s locations, and will continue to work to identify additional ways to enhance the safety of the Company’s facilities.

The Company’s fire and security services and alarm monitoring centers are vital to the protection of the public, industry and critical infrastructure. The Company’s exceptional workforce remains committed to meeting these essential needs for the Company’s customers and ensuring that they, too, can continue to provide their much-needed products and services

The Company’s commitment remains steadfast to ensure the safety of the Company’s employees while delivering these essential solutions and services Chubb know customers rely on to keep the world healthy, safe, and comfortable.