1 Jun 2018

AW Technology are pleased to announce that they are now separately communicating with two major smoke detector manufacturers about introducing a new concept in detector calibration.

Combining existing AW products with large, automated production systems, significantly speeding up high volume production. As far as they know, no other smoke detector test equipment supplier is using this concept.

Technology Integration

Integrating the technology in this way will allow large manufacturers of smoke detectors to calibrate the smoke detectors just as accurately as before, but far quicker. This will enable them to raise the production throughput, saving manpower, time, and money on an otherwise time and labor consuming production process.

The concept was the result of R&D by AW Technology’s Dr. Stephen Ellwood. For some time, AW Technology have been suggesting that major manufacturers of smoke detectors implement the new concept. It is only very recently, however, that the significant benefits have been recognized by the industry.