Avon Protection has been selected as the supplier to the UK MOD for their Liquid Decontamination Containment Systems, following a MOD competitive tender for the capture, transfer, and containment of liquid waste units.
liquid capture system
The liquid capture system has been specifically designed and developed by Avon Engineered Fabrications (AEF) to meet the operational and environmental needs of the UK MOD to decontaminate their in-service vehicle fleet. AEF is one of Avon Protection’s specialist engineering business units and is recognized as a world-class manufacturer and supplier of industrial-coated fabrics for a wide variety of uses including bulk liquid storage, distribution systems, and hovercraft skirts.
“We are delighted to be supplying this new bespoke decontamination liquid capture system solution for the UK Ministry Of Defence, which highlights how Avon’s innovation and engineering focus are leading the way for future Avon Products,” says Oliver Morton, EMEA & Asia Pacific Military Business Director.