19 Nov 2010
CFA will be easily accessible at your hands with its latest mobile website

Developed by the Country Fire Authority Technology Services, the mobile website displays key CFA pages.

CFA has just launched its new mobile friendly website allowing the community to access critical emergency information on the go from just about any mobile phone. Developed by CFA Technology Services, the mobile website displays key CFA pages (Warnings & Advice, Incidents, Fire Danger Ratings, Total Fire Ban, Victorian Bushfire Information Line and Can I Can't I).

As the site is designed specifically for standard mobile phones with internet access it will load faster and consume less data than accessing the main CFA website. Information will also be easier to view and navigate in a smaller screen.

In combination with the recently upgraded CFA FireReady iPhone application and the soon-to-be-released Blackberry and Android mobile applications, it provides the community with better access than ever before to CFA warnings and other emergency information.