16 Jul 2018

At the leading international trade fair for traffic technology in Berlin, InnoTrans 2018, AQUASYS presents modern fire fighting systems from 18 to 21 September 2018. AQUASYS will be presenting new developments at InnoTrans 2018, especially for rail vehicles, which meet the special requirements of space- and resource saving fire fighting.

Fine water mist flows through specially designed nozzles, which quickly withdraws energy and oxygen from the fire due to the large reaction surface. Experience live at the fair how effective the fine high-pressure water mist works in a closed system. The company's fire fighting systems secure the passenger compartment as well as the technical areas of rail vehicles.

close look at products

Virtual reality glasses will be available at the AQUASYS booth, allowing visitors to take a close look at our products in a virtual environment. Visitors can find AQUASYS at the InnoTrans 2018 in Berlin in hall 5.2, booth 419. They can also make an appointment with the team at the booth and secure their free online ticket at the same time!