16 Dec 2019

In the cement plant in Bani Suweif, Egypt, cable rooms and cable tunnels with a total length of 950 m are protected with a high pressure water mist (HPWM) system from AQUASYS. The plant is located 110 km south of Cairo and belongs to the Titan Cement Group, a cement and building materials manufacturer with over 100 years of industry experience. Switching systems and cable ducts are the lifeline of production plants and therefore its fire protection is of major importance.

The low water consumption due to the finely atomized AQUASYS water mist is a decisive advantage. In the case of fire, the fine water mist very quickly extracts the heat from the fire and cools the surroundings. A further advantage is the smoke suppression, which enables a very good access of the emergency forces as well as a quick restart of production.

smoke or temperature sensors

The HPWM system is divided into 24 separately controllable areas, each with a maximum length of 70 meters. In a fire, smoke or temperature sensors send a signal to the corresponding area valve, which opens and gives access for the fire fighting system. Together with a local partner, AQUASYS created an efficient and perfectly adapted design to the environmental conditions already in the planning stage.

The compact AQUASYS system components were an additional advantage during installation in the relatively small pump room. Due to the on-site training for the local installation team, the company’s partner was able to install the project itself according to AQUASYS design specifications. Mr. Michael Bindreiter can be contacted for further information on AQUASYS HPWM solutions and cable duct protection.