16 Dec 2021

The new University of Science and Technology campus in Alexandra, Egypt, is now protected in case of fire by an AQUASYS high pressure water mist system.

In addition to the fixed installed firefighting system, the design also includes a wall hydrant system for manual initial firefighting. The project was implemented together with the local partner.

Good planning and close contact with Partners

It was possible to establish intensive contact with the customer and all parties involved from the very beginning

The protected areas on campus are distributed throughout 6 different building blocks and are connected via a single ring pipe with a length of 1.26 km. This enabled an economically efficient solution with a central aggregate that can also be expanded in the future.

Thanks to the strong local presence of their Egyptian cooperation partner, it was possible to establish intensive contact with the customer and all parties involved from the very beginning. This was a key element for the success of the project, which was completed on time over a period of 3 years.

Successful logistical and technical planning by AQUASYS also enabled the project to run smoothly:

  • The central main piping network was designed, even before the project was planned in detail and the expected flow rate in the areas was taken into consideration.
  • The ability to detail placement of piping routes and major components in each area during project implementation allowed additional flexibility.
  • Flexibility in the later coordination regarding pipeline routes and placement of the main components was additionally ensured.
  • Processing in partial deliveries and partial payments supported the local client during implementation.
  • Direct involvement of experienced project managers and technicians enabled short decision-making processes.

Efficient and effective fire protection at the new campus

In total, more than 3,000 HPWM nozzles are installed in the learning and meeting rooms, technical rooms, warehouses, offices, but also laboratory areas at the Alexandria campus.

In addition, wall hydrants equipped with ‘AQUASYS Water Mist Guns’ are located on every floor. These additionally enable simple, safe and rapid manual initial firefighting. After a training phase, the installation could be carried out independently by a local installation team.