1 Jul 2020

XPander is Apollo’s hybrid wireless range. It offers a comprehensive solution to many problems that present themselves when installing a fire detection system. It is quick to install and requires minimal cabling. In comparison to a wired system is often 75% quicker to install.

XPander has many applications, its versatility key to deciding on which type of system fits best for a building. Ideal applications:

Time-sensitive Projects

  • Minimizing Disruption to Building Operations
  • Temporary Structures (i.e. marquees)
  • Annexes
  • To Minimize Disturbance of Asbestos Materials
  • To Preserve Building Fabric (e.g. in Heritage / List Buildings)

A great example of a time-sensitive ­project where XPander excels is in schools. A school is generally occupied most of the time and therefore being able to install an entire fire system without jeopardizing safety is a tricky line to walk. So, a quick and compliant solution is needed.

XPander can be used during a remodeling project, for an off-campus outbuilding, or even to protect a temporary structure like a graduation marquee. The physical interface is wired onto the loop as standard, but the detectors can be placed inside of these areas wirelessly during the event and then can be removed when the marquees are taken down. This is much faster than hard wiring each time. One can take comfort in the knowledge that students are kept safe in every scenario.

Wireless solution

Another challenge is making upgrades to a school system during summer holidays. One might only have a small window of opportunity to make the upgrades before the students return. Having to wire in a complete system just so that building work can be completed, only to remove all of that wiring hard work, is both costly and time-consuming.

XPander allowed for an easier install where the project area was an Emergency Care Department"

A wireless solution is ideal, it removes the need to delay construction, and shaves off time at the end of the project as there are no wires to remove. Just simply detach the detectors.

Similar issues occur in the healthcare sector. A hospital, for instance, is almost never vacant and therefore extensive wiring work would cause uncomfortable disruption. XPander would eliminate these concerns and installing a compliant fire system would cause minimal disturbance.

Ease of installation

XPander allowed for an easier install where the project area was an Emergency Care Department (inc A&E) where minimal intrusion on a live site was key. Wireless was the logical solution to bring these areas up to L1 standards with a new system.”

- Apollo Customer Testimonial

Temporary structures offer a unique challenge when trying to keep people safe from fire. COVID-19 Pods and temporary accommodation for medical staff / resources need to be protected without unwanted complications.

XPander can be quickly added to the existing hospital fire system. An interface is placed on the loop, this device ‘manages’ all of the wireless devices fitted in the temporary structure. The devices even show up on the panel, as if it was wired into the loop. This secures the integrity of the existing system and makes sure that any necessary expansion is protected from fire.

Cost-effective solution

COVID-19 has caused unexpected slowdowns within the construction and fire industry communities. But as the restrictions lift there will be an influx of work. And having a quick and easy solution at the ready could mitigate any further frustrations.

Additional businesses and venues will be opening from 4th July. That includes hotels, which opens up a lot of ‘away from home’ opportunities. Being prepared for this wave of new work with multiple solutions at the ready is essential. A wireless solution should be quick to hand, its fast installation invaluable when managing a high workload. Quick, easy and cost-effective.