28 Oct 2019

It’s that time of the year where 15 - 16 year olds are preparing for their college interviews: the next step in their education. To help with their readiness, Crookhorn College, a school for 11 – 16 year olds and local to the Havant office, hosted a day of mock interviews with local businesses.

Apollo Fire Detectors was invited along to take part and Louise Randall, Apollo’s Head of Manufacturing, was one of the interviewers.

Mock college interview training

It was a pleasure to attend the day; it was so well structured, and it was really great to see so many local businesses participate"

Louise commented, “It was a pleasure to attend the day; it was so well structured, and it was really great to see so many local businesses participating in the event. The children I interviewed were extremely engaging and prepared. I was blown away with their approach, confidence levels and how they articulated themselves. It was a privilege to provide feedback and help support their chosen career paths.

One student who Louise interviewed said, “The experience has taken my nerves away from my upcoming college interviews and I was surprised at how nice and friendly Louise was. I was expecting the process to be strict and formal, especially as I didn’t know Louise beforehand.

Partnership with Apollo Fire Detectors

He adds, “It was great that I was judged on first impressions and I was provided with practical and truthful feedback on my CV and tips on how to better showcase my skills.

Many other students agreed that, although nervous at first, doing their mock interview made them feel more confident ahead of their college and higher education interviews. It also provided an opportunity for them to research businesses in the area, such as Apollo, to learn about the industry.

Training and Guidance

Preparing for such a day takes months of planning and organizing. Clare Wilson, Crookhorn College’s Career Leader and STEM Co-ordinator, said, “Mock interview day is a challenging but very rewarding day for the students as they get a taste of what it’s like to prepare and attend an interview. The day wouldn’t have been as successful if it wasn’t for the support of local employers – like Apollo Fire Detectors.

Clare further adds, “We are very grateful to Apollo Fire for giving up their valuable time to give advice and guidance to our students, as well as prepare them for future experiences. Thank you, Apollo and Louise, for your help and support.