30 Nov 2021

Whilst users may not have completed the transition to the new normal, or ‘post-pandemic environment,’ employees and teams who had flirted with heading back to the office full time have found themselves creating flexible arrangements.

This interim ‘new normal’ makes seemingly simple questions such as ‘how many people are in the building today,” more complex to answer. 

Remote monitoring for fire and security

Security teams into 2022 can benefit from technical solutions for people counting like accurate touchless access control systems or easy-to-use advanced video analytics to help solve this issue. More remote services can be used to manage this shift and the introduction of new processes.

Increased monitoring for both fire and security ensures security managers are aware of access across a building, essential to managing complex processes such as an evacuation, safety testing, or even just the flow of people at any one time in a building.

IOT advances

The sector continues to innovate into the new year with technologies and biometrics

Here, the sector must continue to innovate into the new year with technologies and biometrics that enhance integration capabilities, both with the constant advances in IOT and the development of building management systems.

It may see a focus shift from the end product to the firmware used, and often the potential of the product. It doesn’t necessarily mean more complicated, but in 2022, we will see ‘packaged’ solutions aimed at simplifying security and enabling digital transformation.

Growth, Innovation, and Acquisition

As Amthal looks forward to 2022, growth via acquisition will continue, capable of pulling together research and development departments to understand the role of the latest innovations in changing how we see and use security technology.

Moving forward, Amthal needs to continue to support its customers’ journey through the evolving technology landscape. It can do this by staying connected, educating our colleagues, listening to our customers’ needs, and identifying alignment in solutions.

shape the future industry

Of course, none of this is without some challenge. At its core, integration is a people business. The key to Amthal sustaining consistent growth is its ability to recruit, set against an industry skills shortage, bring onboard, train, and retain the colleagues necessary to meet our customers’ needs. In summary, as Amthal looks forward to 2022, a theme emerges: securing relationships to shape our future industry.

Uncertainty has accelerated reliance on each other, and gaps in third-party relationships, collaboration, and trust will have outsized impacts on security firms’ relationships with their colleagues, partners, and suppliers. Amthal needs to be working more together in partnership from manufacturers through installers to end-users to collectively continue to ‘protect what’s precious.’