28 Aug 2012
Cannock Chase Council has had a long standing working relationship with Aico for over ten years

Long standing Aico customer Cannock Chase Council has made the decision to install Aico mains powered Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarms after a break of five years due lack of funding.  The alarms will be installed in properties containing gas and solid fuel appliances and open fireplaces.

The Ei261ENRC CO alarm has been designed by Aico to readily allow for interconnection with its Smoke, Heat and Multi-Sensor alarms, which are fitted throughout the Council's 5500 properties. The Council has taken full of advantage of this, and is interconnecting the new CO alarms with the existing smoke alarms in its bungalows, whilst also fitting an Ei1529RC wall-mounted Alarm Control Switch. 

The Aico Control Switch allows residents to quickly identify and locate the exact unit which has gone into alarm, and simply test and silence all the alarms on the system from one safe, convenient location.  Senior Electrical Officer Alan Dennison was particularly keen on this aspect:

"We are also installing the Ei1529RC control switch because we regularly remind our tenants of the need to test all alarm sensors and appreciate that our elderly tenants are unable to reach the test buttons easily, so we were pleased to be able to provide a single test and locate facility positioned at an easily accessible point and interconnect all the alarms in the property."

Interconnecting the alarms means that if one alarm on the system is triggered, all other alarms in the same property sound. This ensures the alarm is heard throughout the property, providing the earliest warning - particularly important for older and less mobile occupants. 

A forward thinking council, Cannock Chase has been looking to install CO alarms again for some time, as Alan explains: "We have always felt CO detectors were a major component in the safety of our tenants, but in recent years the funding of them had been withdrawn by the Council.  We continued to fight for their reintroduction and were successful this financial year when the budget was adjusted to finance their installation."

The Ei261ENRC is a mains powered CO alarm with rechargeable Lithium Cell back-up for added safety and a cost-saving replaceable CO sensor design.

It features the latest generation electrochemical type CO sensor which is pre-calibrated and tested in CO gas to ensure accuracy.

The alarm unit features both high and low level LED indicators, with a special pre-alarm LED indication for early detection of CO.  When the levels detected reach dangerous levels, a red warning LED combines with an integral built in sounder outputting 85dB(A) at 3 metres to provide a warning.

Other features of note include a manual Test/Silence button, Easi-fit design, Quick CO Gas Test facility and a Memory Feature which enables the user to tell if CO has been detected during a period of absence.

Specification of these CO alarms by Cannock Chase Council comes on the back of a long standing working relationship with Aico of over ten years; the Council cites Aico's quality product and after sales service as determining factors in this.