17 Apr 2023

Italian healthcare company - Aboca S.p.A. produces food supplements and medical remedies from organically farmed plants and medicinal herbs.

More than 150 workers are employed to cultivate the crops, working almost 1700 hectares of farmland across Umbria and Tuscany often out of sight and earshot for long periods. 

personal monitoring solution

Because the area suffers from poor cellular coverage, Aboca reached out to Blackline partner CSTA to find a lone worker personal monitoring solution they could rely on to have contact with workers in the fields, which is critical should an accident, health, or other emergency event occur.

CSTA recommended the Blackline G7 Lone Worker monitoring device due to its robust communication capabilities, even in areas with poor cellular signal.

G7 with device training

Supported by worker unions and local control authorities, Aboca deployed G7 along with device training, a dedicated Lone Worker procedure, and an improved risk assessment protocol.

The feedback has been extremely positive, with workers reporting that G7 is easy to use and makes them feel safer and more confident as they work remotely across large swathes of land.