26 Feb 2010

All conference registrants will receive their interactive compact discs shortly, along with maps and abstracts

The much anticipated 3rd Annual HAZUS Conference Proceedings have been mailed.

All conference registrants will be receiving their interactive compact discs (CDs) shortly. The CDs are full of information and provide a dynamic format for reviewing the conference proceedings. Speakers' biographies, photos and presentations have been included as well as the award recipients for each category.

New this year, attendees will also receive the maps and abstracts from the Map Gallery which demonstrate the collaboration and effort of numerous HAZUS users.

If you were unable to attend the 2009 Annual HAZUS Conference and would like to receive a copy, please contact Eric Berman at: eric.berman@dhs.gov.

To view the conference proceedings online, visit the HAZUS website at www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/hazus.