McCoy Miller LLC Type 4 Mini rescue vehicle

Technical Specification

  • Make: McCoy Miller LLC
  • Model code: Type 4 Mini Rescue
  • Use: Light Duty
  • Type: Rescue/Squad
  • Construction: Aluminum
Additional info:

Rescue vehicle. All aluminum welded body: 126" body,  2" x 2" tubular structure on 12" centres. Roll out tray: 44" x 81" w/1000 rating. TriMark automotive style latches. HD extruded door jambs. HD extruded door frames. Integrated door seal. Marine grade high current switches. HD machine crimped harness, prewired for halogen, LED, or strobe lighting systems. Multiple storage areas: Access to seven exterior compartments. Etched-trace power circuits. LED diagnostic control and door open circuits. Prewired inverter. 4 year / 48,000 mile conversion warranty. 15 year structural warranty. 

Make McCoy Miller LLC
Manufacturer McCoy Miller LLC
Model code Type 4 Mini Rescue
Use Light Duty
Type Rescue/Squad
Construction Aluminum
Additional info

Rescue vehicle. All aluminum welded body: 126" body,  2" x 2" tubular structure on 12" centres. Roll out tray: 44" x 81" w/1000 rating. TriMark automotive style latches. HD extruded door jambs. HD extruded door frames. Integrated door seal. Marine grade high current switches. HD machine crimped harness, prewired for halogen, LED, or strobe lighting systems. Multiple storage areas: Access to seven exterior compartments.

Etched-trace power circuits. LED diagnostic control and door open circuits. Prewired inverter. 4 year / 48,000 mile conversion warranty. 15 year structural warranty.