20 Dec 2021

New technologies for the fire service were a predominant topic at TheBigRedGuide.com in 2021, based on the most-visited articles at the site during the past year. Looking back at the top articles of the year -- as measured by those that received the most "clicks" -- provides a decent summary of emerging technologies in the fire service. The list of articles also highlights some of the biggest challenges in the fire service, including wildfires and emerging fire risks.

Timely and important issues in the fire marketplace dominated TheBigRedGuide.com’s list of most clicked-on articles in 2021. Let’s look back at the Top 10 articles posted at thebigredguide.com in 2021 that generated the most page views. They are listed in order here with a brief excerpt.

What Impact Has COVID-19 Had on the Fire Industry?

Firefighters have coped admirably against a backdrop of expanded roles and considerable staff absences

As a front-line, critical service, the fire service felt a considerable impact from COVID-19. Firefighters have coped admirably against a backdrop of expanded roles and considerable staff absences. Some brigades have seen absence levels of up to 40%, forcing them to re-train some staff from non-operational roles as emergency responders.

It has meant a broader range of service offerings, with brigades offering wider community support, from vaccinations to vital support elements such as delivering food and medicine and driving ambulances.

What Fire Technologies Will Have the Greatest Impact In 2021?

Exciting developments in firefighting equipment, media, and Information Technology (IT), centered on improving safety and protecting people and the environment, will be highlighted in 2021. Increasing use of electric and hybrid technologies in cars and trucks will continue to challenge Fire and Rescue Services, as they seek safer ways to effectively control fires in these vehicles.

The refinement of ultra-high pressure (UHP) firefighting equipment will interest municipal and aviation fire services, as it allows effective firefighting to occur from outside a burning structure, protecting firefighters while using significantly less water volume, extinguishing the fire but minimizing water and environmental damage.

A Look at Emerging Technologies in The Fire Protection Industry

The ability to innovate in the fire industry can quite literally be a matter of life and death. Smart Connected Things (SCoT) within fire protection systems offer more accurate, efficient inspections and testing, which on its own can save lives. The systems are now being used by both building owners and service providers to determine fire protection system conditions as well as helping to perform some critical testing functions remotely.

Fire protection brands have made huge leaps forward in their quest to develop smoke detectors that meet with the UL 268 Safety Standards for 2020. “TruSense Technology” is designed to differentiate between fast and smoldering flames and common false alarms. Water mist suppression systems can fight fires using significantly less water than a traditional system.

How Drone Technology Helps London Fire Brigade with Incident Command

Drones act as a loudspeaker to give instructions or reassurance and shine a bright spotlight in dark conditions

The drones are permitted to fly up to 400 ft above ground level or higher in an emergency and can fly as fast as 50 mph. They also can act as a loudspeaker to give instructions or reassurance and shine a bright spotlight in dark or low-light conditions.

The Brigade has eight pilots trained and operates a 24/7 service. The team is working closely with its blue light partners, including the Metropolitan Police Service, several search and rescue teams, and a host of fire services surrounding the capital, as well as advising other upcoming drone teams around the United Kingdom.

Charging Of E-Bikes And E-Scooters Represents Residential Fire Hazard

The fire hazards of e-bikes and e-scooters stem from their use of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries that can erupt into flames. Complicating the problem is the use of unauthorized or third-party batteries that may not be safe.

E-bike conversion kits are available to convert standard bikes into e-bikes, but they include only the motors and control gears. Batteries must be sourced separately, often over the internet and by cost-conscious buyers, who may not consider safety issues. Cheaper batteries may be faulty.

Fire Protection for Paper and Pulp Plants

Production of paper increased by more than 450% in the last decades and the demand for paperboard in the world is expected to grow significantly, driven by e-commerce and big retailers increasing their presence in the online sales universe.

This sustained growth in production capacity and paper consumption presents several fire risks to companies and exposes communities that develop around paper mills to the impact of disasters caused by these fire risks.

Cloud-based and communication force firefighter teams to have access to high-performing wireless connectivity

What Are Emerging Technologies in Wildfire Prevention and Protection?

Internet connectivity is not an obvious emerging technology in the wildfire prevention and protection industry; however, today’s cloud-based databases, applications, and communication infrastructure force firefighter teams to have access to fault-tolerant and high-performing wireless connectivity options.

Broadband Bonding is the technology that combines 2 or more off-the-shelf cellular sim cards to create fast and reliable Internet connectivity on the go.

Teledyne’s Handheld Laser Detects Explosive Methane From 100 Feet Away

For firefighters, the tool provides situational awareness, saves time, and ensures safety from a distance. Knowing the presence of methane gas enables a firefighter to deal with an emergency gas leak and to avoid a deadly explosion.

The Gas Laser from Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection can shoot a laser beam through a window, a gap in a door, or another common venting point to provide an instant reading of the amount of methane in an area up to 100 feet away.

Thermal imaging cameras allow to locate and remove casualties faster and significantly improve survivability

How Does Thermal Imaging Serve the Needs of Firefighters?

For firefighters on the frontline, thermal imaging cameras allow them to locate and remove casualties faster and thus, significantly improve their survivability. The knock-on effect of this also removes firefighters from hazardous areas quicker.

Finally, being able to “see” in dark smoke-filled environments allows firefighters to see hazards that they might previously discover only once in physical contact with the hazard.

Modern Firefighting Calls for Modern Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

According to research at Underwriter Laboratories (UL), modern homes contain larger quantities of petroleum-based products and plastics that burn faster and hotter versus traditional and more natural materials. The result is more rapid and hotter fire growth with exponential increases in heat generation, smoke production, and toxicity.

When a call comes in, firefighters rely on their turnout gear (TOG) for protection, but serious burn injury can occur right through the TOG. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) conducted a study that concluded station wear contributes to overall thermal protection. However, depending upon the station wear’s fiber content and material fabrication, it may also contribute to possible burn injuries.