Parking China 2020

  • Type: Conference / Convention
  • 2 - 4 Sep, 2020
  • Shanghai, China
  • Shanghai New International Expo Center, 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, 200122, China
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Event Overview:

Parking China 2020 - A Comprehensive Trade Platform For China’s Smart Parking Industry

Parking China 2020 will once again showcase state-of-the-art products and solutions, focusing on the application of AI, 5G, IoT and big data in parking systems. Some of the key product categories at the show will include smart parking management systems, intelligent bill & payment systems and parking service application. What’s more, the show is dedicated to promoting seamless integration and resource sharing among parking entities and other stakeholders to create a more user-friendly and efficient parking experience.

Visitor Demographics:

  • Visitor Origin:
  • China
  • Visitor demographic:
    • Security Personnel
    • Government Officials
    • Intelligent Parking Experts
    • Delegates and Dignitaries

Event organiser:

  • Organiser:
  • Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
  • Address:
  • 11/F, Office Tower 1, Century Metropolis, 1229 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China
  • +86 21 61 60 11 55

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