Editor’s picks

BS 476 To EN 1634-1: What Does It Mean For Door Hardware?
BS 476 To EN 1634-1: What Does It Mean For Door Hardware?

Daniel May of Consort Architectural Hardware discusses the proposed standard change from BS 476 to EN 1634-1 and the impact it may have on door hardware and the built environment should it pass. ...

Sherwin-Williams Points To Technology To Address New Legislation
Sherwin-Williams Points To Technology To Address New Legislation

Using technology to provide the information required under the new Building Safety Act 2022, which has been enforceable since October 1st, can help relieve the pressure on suppliers who are responsible for submitting the data, says Bob Glendenning, Fire Design Engineering Manager of Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings.  Building Safety Act The Building Safety Act is designed to take forward a fundamental reform of the building safety system and address the issues identi...

Electrical Fires Are Common, And Present Unique Risks To Firefighters
Electrical Fires Are Common, And Present Unique Risks To Firefighters

Fire departments responded to an estimated average of 32,160 home fires involving electrical distribution and lighting equipment each year in 2015–2019, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Electrical fires cause scores of civilian deaths and hundreds of civilian injuries, as well as millions of dollars in property damage. Some of the electrical components that present fire hazards in the home include faulty electrical outlets and switches, worn or damaged compon...

Firefighter Stresses And Hazards Can Lead To Cardiac Deaths
Firefighter Stresses And Hazards Can Lead To Cardiac Deaths

Firefighters face unique stresses and hazards that cause a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular disease compared to the general population. In fact, cardiac events are the pioneering cause of on-duty deaths among firefighters and account for approximately 45% of duty-related firefighter fatalities in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The frequency of firefighter deaths from cardiac events is evident in a cursory glance at local new...

Round table discussions

Ensuring Fire Health And Safety Starts With Awareness
Ensuring Fire Health And Safety Starts With Awareness

Fostering fire safety is a basic principle, but one that suggests many different approaches and technologies. Best practices and greater innovation can play a role to ensure various aspects of fire safety (and health), but the first step is awareness. We asked...

Which Technologies Will We See In The Future Of Firefighting?
Which Technologies Will We See In The Future Of Firefighting?

Technology has played a role in firefighting since the beginning; in fact, portable water pumps were found among the ruins of ancient Egypt. As bucket brigades gave way to electric pumps and internal combustion motors displaced horse-drawn fire engines, firefi...

How Does Thermal Imaging Serve The Needs Of Firefighters?
How Does Thermal Imaging Serve The Needs Of Firefighters?

Thermal imaging is an advantageous tool for firefighters on the frontline. As thermal cameras have become more compact and affordable, their availability has expanded, along with their usefulness. We asked our Expert Panel Roundtable: How does thermal imaging...

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